Opening times December 2024 to February 2025:
Winter Opening Times:
Monday-Saturday 10:00 to 16:00 (last entrance 15:45)
Sunday, Holiday 11:00 to 15:00
For occasional/unique visting restrictions, please check here>
Please note: During Summer, There is a risk of queing around the Apostle’s Procession/Noon Prayer – if you want to attend, please be at the entrance before 11:40!
Entrance Fees:
The Lutheran City Parish of Rostock spends 100,000 EUR a year or 300 EUR daily to keep St. Mary’s open. Your entrance fee helps to make this possible and is an expression of your respectfulness for the cultural heritage of building and artwork of St. Mary’s. Entrance fees will rise from January 20th 2025!
Following tickets are available:
Adults 4,- EUR
reduced Adults fee* 3,- EUR
Children and Youth unter age of 18: Free admission
A one-year-ticket is available for 15 EUR and free of cost for parish members.
* Reductions apply on single admission for students, Warnow.-Pass owners, disabled visitors, Bürgergeld receivers and owners of the EA-card HRO or MV
Group fees:
If a group is led by an external guide, only entrance fee applies. At 5 or more group members, the guide has free admission. At 10 or more group members, reduced entrance fee applies to the group.
For guided tours for children and youth, we ask for a donation of 1,- Euro per person. This applies also for any groups of students visitng as part of their education.
Groups and Access:
Our church is no museum with guaranteed accessibility. For groups, it is helpful to ask in advance, if there are any events taking place in the church, making visiting impossible or restricted.
During prayer and worship times, no visiting is possible. Service times are explained here>.
Access for wheelchairs etc.:
Access is possible through the entrance and for larger devices via a ramp at the southern entrance. Our staff will help you, if an additional opening of a door might be necessary.
Please note that we do not have public toilets or restrooms available.
Guided Tours (Summer only):
All tours are normally led in German only, except the Organ Visit, which can be led in English, too!
Monday 11:30 AM: Astronomical Clock only (max 20 persons)
Tuesday 11:00 AMr: Church Tour (max 20 persons)
Wednesday 11:00 AM: Church Tour (max 20 persons)
Thursday 11:00 AM und 02:00 PM: Church Tour (max 20 persons)
Saturday 11:00 AM: Tower Tour or Church Tour (max 15 resp 20 persons)
Daily from May to October, except Sundays and special feast days, 11:55 AM: Brief Visit to the Organ (see below)
Church Tour: 4,- Euro p.p. plus entrance fee
Tower Tour: 6,- Euro p.p. plus entrance fee
Brief Organ Visit during Noon Prayer – offered at every Noon Prayer from May 2 until October 12 (Mon-Sat, not on special feast days)
Meeting point is at Mary Carpet (Nr 10 on printed visitor information map) at 11.55 AM
Way up to the organ loft, attendance at organ music and noon prayer, short view into the instrument possible afterwards. Be aware of steep stairs! Fee: Free donations or purchase of organ-related articles in shop
This visit may be cancelled without further notice.
Requests for guided tours have to be directed exclusively by e-mail to
Please accept our apologies for occasional problems when speaking English, not all of our volunteers are capable of speaking it.
More Pages in English: